


invito al prossimo incontro alla Selvaiana per domenica 10 aprile Worskshop April 2022

Active Painting and Meditation on August 2 at the Capella in Azzanno,Lucca with Surdar and Jeevankala. ( Barbara Craig)

These photos are from the painting workshop I attended with Surdar G. Savino and his
The workshop was led by Meera who has now passed on. This what active painting workshop looks like. We are guided by the teachings of Osho Rajneesh.


Painting at the Nuova Selvaiana

From February to May, one or two days a month there will be a foraging day at the Nuova Selvaiana in Capezzano Pianore. After lunch, there will be an artistic activity guided by Barbara.




Inglese a Seravezza

Autumn in Versilia!

Back to school!

This autumn we are teaching art and English by request at the Nuova Selvaiana in Capezzano Pianore and English in the mornings at Arci in Pietrasanta. ( LU)

Back to school!