Exhibitions & Events

Exhibition starts on 2.7.24 with a salon. This means it’s time to talk about art.

Art in Movement – Throughout the DAP festival there will be 3 appointments for visual artists to paint, draw or take photographs at the Versiliana Grand Stage in Marina di Pietrasanta. 


Natale Inclusivo a Massaros 23-24La mostra continua



The appointments for the artists to come and take photographs and paint have been changed due to bad weather as the Versiliana is outdoors.




Inaugurazione domenica 26 dalle ore 15
Collective Exhibition in Massarosa, Italy



Collective Exhibition opening the 19th of December at 5 pm
Collective Exhbition – Dance & Art – opening on December 19th, 2022

Exhibition in Solaio prolonged till 23.10.22 (https://www.facebook.com/casadelpopolodisolaio)




Auction To Raise Funds for Reforestation After Terrible Fire in Massarosa
Auction To Raise Funds for Reforestation After Terrible Fire in Massarosa



Sabato 13 agosto dalle 21 in via Cenami (piazza della Chiesa).
🎨 I pittori e le pittrici che hanno partecipato alle edizioni delle estemporanee di pittura sul territorio si sono uniti e hanno deciso di dare il loro contributo per la ricostruzione donando le loro opere che durante la serata saranno battute in una GRANDE ASTA PER LA RICOSTRUZIONE.
I fondi raccolti saranno utilizzati in progetti per il recupero delle zone colpite dall’incendio.
💪 PARTECIPA a questa bella iniziativa! L’asta è aperta a tutti!
🌱 Dai il tuo contributo per far rifiorire Massarosa!!!
L’asta si terrà durante l’evento LA NOTTE DELLE STELLE ✨ organizzata dal Comune di Massarosa e AL.SO EVENTI .
Una serata tra spettacoli, moda, danza e molto altro!
Evento promosso nell’ambito del progetto di marketing territoriale di Massarosa #laviadelleerbeedeifiori dell’Associazione Versilia Verdelago #Massarosa #Lucca #Toscana #inVersilia #VisitVersilia.
Domenica 14/ Sunday the 14th: I will be present as an exhibiting member of Associazione Ricreativa Culturale Seravezziana Eventi at the medieval festival in Terrinca on Sunday.

Enolia, annual event at SeravezzaMy Display

The exhibition at the Locanda degli Artisti in Terriciola, Pisa continues. 

Exhibition at the Locanda degli Artisti

Mostra e Laboratori di Pittura – Exhibition and Painting Workshops 2021

At “La Locanda degli Artisti” in Terricciola – Pisa

Mostra e Laboratorio di Pittura Locanda degli Artisti – Terricciola, Pisa

Update Autumn 2020

The exhibition at a friend’s private home continues. The walls have been painted with paints made with high quality pigments using Tuscan red, yellow ochre and Naples yellow.

You can visit by appointment. Call 0039 320 041 5918. Here is a preview:


Update Summer 2020 –

This will be a quiet summer. I will be exhibiting privately, by invitation only in a private Tuscan home in the province of Lucca. Call for an appointment. (39) 320 041 5918

There will also be some outdoor events, estemporanea or

painters in the square un the Versilia area. https://www.facebook.com/barbara.craig.artist2671/videos/769093573833663/


Coming Soon – Exhibition at CasAle, Ripa ( Lu) Italy

Opening is on October 10, 2018

– https://www.facebook.com/events/1401461883290355/1401522689950941/?notif_t=admin_plan_mall_activity&notif_id=1537691918657120

In 2018 I will be having an exhibition at Trinity St. Paul’s Church and Gallery 1313 in Toronto in July and at CasAle in Tuscany, Italy from October to December.


Art gala Fundraiser West End Y Toronto on College St.

Pastel after Van Gogh’s Starry Night in Silent Auction

On Saturday March 3, 2018 I will be participating in the Art Gala at the West End Y.

There will be a silent auction to raise funds for the Y.

There will be eight artists featured.



Collective Exhibition “Universal Judgments”, Pietrasanta 7 October 2017

Collettiva "Giudizi Universali", Pietrasanta 7 ottobre 2017


Painters in the Square, Seravezza 30 septembre 2017

Pittori in Piazza, Seravezza 30 settembre 2017


Levigliani Wine Art Festival 5-6 agosto 2017

Levigliani Wine Art Festival 5-6 agosto 2017 – opere

Levigliani Wine Art Festival 5-6 agosto 2017 – brochure

Some pictures of my artwork at my current exhibition.
Collective Exhibition at La Seravezziana, v Roma, Seravezza

 mostra seravezza 2016
Exhibition and painting class for children of all ages. Mostra e Laboratorio di pittura per bambini e ragazzi a Seravezza.